6 Means By Which Email Marketing Can Boost SEO Results

Why is Email Marketing even connected to SEO?
It is first relevant to think about how Email Marketing can even impact upon SEO results. Quite simply, email appeals to users, which in turn appeals to the search engines themselves, who are adopting increasingly complex algorithms to calculate SEO results.
Long gone are the days of mindless keyword stuffing. Today it is mostly about the quality of the content that a site is putting out, and your emails are intrinsically linked to that.
Effective Email Marketing can do a number of things. First it can ensure you are getting good quality traffic to the right pages, which then impacts upon bounce rate. That is now taken into account by Google et al.
It also has the capability to increase shares and likes on social media, which again will give you positive SEO results. It can also serve to drive traffic to any offers you are running.
And the fact that Email Marketing has a part to play in SEO rankings is great news for marketers because email remains one of the most controllable forms of reaching out to potential users. That’s because unlike a lot of other approaches, emails can be clearly segmented by gender, age, geographic location, behaviour, interest or indeed any other criteria you wish to apply.
With this ability to segment your emailing list, you can then reach out to those different users in specifically tailored ways, which is difficult to do in different circumstances.
So without further ado, let us look more closely at some of the ways in which astute Email Marketing campaigns can impact positively upon SEO results
It can improve your bounce rate
One of the main things Google and other search engines analyse when ranking websites is their bounce rate: that is, the amount of time a user stays on your site before leaving, or the number of pages they visit before doing the same.
So if you click on a site that you think is related to what you are looking for, but as soon as the page opens you realise it’s not and you immediately click off, that’s an example of a bad bounce rate.
Your SEO results will be impacted upon users actually staying on your site for a while and exploring different pages after they land there.
So how do emails positively affect this? Well first of all the content on your site needs to be good – if it isn’t, then all of this is a waste of time. Once you have something that you think people will be interested to read/watch/listen to, then they are more likely to stick around.
But you need to get people there in the first place, and this is where your email enters the equation. If you have a user’s email address, the chances are they have engaged with you before in some manner. That means that the interest already exists, which is much better than a random user who may or may not relate to what you have to say. And now you can send this user directly to a page through a link.
Now you still need them to click on the link, and at this juncture it is worth considering that there are great content tools available that can help create accurate emails with keyword optimized content. Once they do click on the link, however, it really should as easy as putting two and two together. The result should be a higher bounce rate.
Jessica Charles, SEO Advisor at Academicbrits and Originwritings.
“Think of it like this. You are not just setting up two friends on a blind date, you are setting up two friends who have already say they like each other. Now what are the chances of success?”
Make it easy to share via social, direct on the email
Another part of the feted search engine algorithms is the shares and likes on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
For that reason, it’s just good sense to offer the option of directly sharing the content of your email via those different channels, and helps to create organic traffic too.
Make the option clearly visible, and include a call to action of sharing it too, just for good measure.
Use CTAs, period
We have just mentioned how you can use a call to action (CTA) with regards to social media shares, but CTAs should be standard procedure for your emails in regards to links and even reviews of existing content.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get, and if you don’t direct, you may not get the traffic you are looking for.
You can take it to the next level by embedding all manner of CTAs within the email itself. Obviously we are familiar with the social media icons, but this can be extended to reviews, sign-ups, or pretty much any other valuable engagement.
Target the content
We have already touched upon this point, but this is where Email Marketing really comes into its own. In short, it’s the simplest channel you have of controlling the exact content that individuals receive.
Yes, there are tools which can enable you to adapt your landing page, for example, depending on the geographic location of the user, but with emails you can do so much more, which is why it is vital to use segmentation of your emailing list.
The options by which you can segment are plentiful, and you can even utilize additional tools such as poll and questionnaires to further gather information on exactly what specific users are looking for.
This information is key as you can then tailor email per individual, which in turn should increase click-throughs, lead to a better bounce rate, lead to improved SEO rankings, and of course get those all-important conversions.
Shirley Samuels, a Digital Marketer at Phdkingdom and Nextcoursework.
“This is all about the relevance of the content you are sending out to individual users. And relevance is considered one of the central tenets of SEO”
Give a second life to great content
The great thing about modern marketing methods is that you are able to access all manner of information about what users are interacting with, be that on your site, or by click-throughs from your emails.
With these analytics, you can get a gage on what’s working and what isn’t. For those top pages, blog posts or whatever they may be, use them to your advantage by retargeting other users on your emailing list who haven’t engaged with that content yet.
As an example, if you have a popular blog post, use it as content for your Email Marketing. You know it’s popular content, so push it to those who already have an interest in your business but may not have seen it yet. All of these assists with generating better SEO results.
Automate your emails
Automation software has been a real addition to business CRMs, and particularly email and social media marketing. It wasn’t so long ago that detailed schedules of Email Marketing campaigns were emblazoned across office walls, with constant reminders of what needed to be sent and when. Thankfully, those days are gone.
Yet many business do no go beyond the first layer of what automation software can really bring. Yes you can schedule emails to be sent out on a digital schedule, but what about automating the sending of emails which directly link to milestones within your website.
For example, we have already mentioned utilizing popular blog posts as email content in order to maximize impact, but what about automating content to be sent when it achieves a certain amount of traffic?
You could also set the system so that every new user automatically receives your most valued content. In that way, new users are getting access to your most popular content on autopilot, which means a lot less work for you, and the possibility of much better SEO results. That is what is called a win-win situation.
Wrap up
So there you have it: Email Marketing is very much connected to SEO results. Quality content is always key, and tools such as Britstudent and Writemyx that can help create accurate emails with keyword optimized content are a great way of assisting in one of the more difficult aspects of this approach.
But once you have the content, just ensure that your digital marketing strategy is a fully rounded approach using both the website and Email Marketing to their fullest affect.
Once again, emails may be old-fashioned, but they offer a control which is rather more difficult to ascertain with other channels, and used correctly, can bolster click-throughs, SEO rankings, and ultimately content.