How Email Newsletters Affect Your Brand’s Reputation

An email newsletter is an awesome way to kick-start your holiday campaign. But don’t rush into sending out the emails yet. The thing is that the way you put together and send out your newsletter has a strong effect on your brand reputation. And keeping your reputation intact is essential to growing a successful business, as well as guaranteeing a strong deliverability to avoid the spam folder. Being careless with your email marketing campaign can result in people marking your newsletter as spam and not buying from you. Strong branding is all about building relationships with your audience, and that’s exactly what a smart email marketing strategy aims to do.
So to make sure your Email Marketing strategy strengthens your brand and makes people fall in love with what you do, check out our advice on sending out newsletters. We’ll cover the best practices and tips and tricks to get your business ready for the upcoming holiday season. Let’s get started.

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Only Send Emails After Getting Permission
The last thing you would want is people to consider you as an annoying company that doesn’t care for their privacy. Nothing destroys the reputation of your business quicker than sending out emails that are perceived as spam. You can avoid this situation by connecting with only those readers who have permitted you to do so. You can use an email marketing software that collects email addresses from your website via pop-up forms with privacy policy fields, such as the subscription forms that you can easily create with MailUp. But don’t start sending out the newsletter right after receiving a new email. Instead, show extra care for your customers by setting up a double opt-in. This means that after signing up, your new customer needs to click a link that confirms their interest in your content. Not everyone will be clicking on the confirmation link, so you will lose some potential clients. But that’s okay. Because those who confirm that they want to hear from you will be genuinely interested in getting your newsletter. Your brand reputation gets boosted, and you can start developing strong relationships with your readers.
Segment Your Audience
Another great way to make sure your newsletter gets read mainly by people who are genuinely interested in it is segmenting your email list. This ensures better outcomes for your marketing efforts because each segment of your audience will be addressed most engagingly. Segmentation is a personalization tactic that boosts your reputation by taking into account different people’s needs. The thing is that your customers are all individuals who prefer different types of content. A 40-year-old teacher is perhaps interested in current political issues, but you can’t expect the same from a 15-year-old fun-oriented skateboarder.
You can use email marketing tools that segment your audience by demographics to help you approach every group in the right way. Some people are ready to buy from you, while others are just getting to know you. It wouldn’t be wise to send them both the same mail. And needless to say, people receiving irrelevant emails from you will not hold your company in high regard. Email marketing services like MailUp help you collect statistics and data so that you would know exactly what a certain segment of people expects from you. This leads to more people opening and reading your emails. As we always say: success starts from your database!
Go Further With Personalization
A customer-centric approach makes your brand look better because it shows that you care about your clients and their experience with you. And one of the best ways to ensure a personalized experience for your clients is to ask them some questions when they subscribe. Ask about their age, gender, location, etc. This makes segmenting later easier. You can also use various tracking tools that send out newsletters based on the products your clients have checked in the past. MailUp has a wide range of tools, such as dynamic fields and contents, that will help you customize your campaigns and let you audience see only products, news and contents that are relevant for them.
Introduce Yourself in Welcome Emails
First impressions count. You need to have a strong impact on your customers right away to avoid getting thrown in the “trash” folder. And one of the best ways to make a good first impression is simply to let your customers know who is writing. You can do that by sending out a simple welcoming email. The important thing is to make your customers feel like they’ve made a good decision by signing up for your newsletter. Of course, you can also start by giving good discounts on your products during the holiday season. But very often, all you need to do is simply speak about your brand, tell your origin story, and remind the reader what you stand for. If you do all that before trying to sell the reader something, your reputation as a valuable brand will grow.
Put your Brand Identity Into the Emails
The look of your emails has a strong impact on how your readers feel about your company. That’s because consistent exposure to your brand’s logos, graphics, and colors create a sense of familiarity with your business. In fact, recognising the brand is the most important factor to increase the open rate of an email campaign. Over time your followers develop a strong relationship with your brand image. And look, it’s not only about colors and logos. Every detail counts. The fonts, text size, and images can all convey the wonderful personality of your brand. So put some thought into every detail of your newsletters. It generates a sense of reliability and consistency for your brand.

The Tone of Your Newsletters
If you want to interact with your audience effectively, you need to use the right copywriting. Words can carry a lot of value. Investing in a professional copywriter’s service helps you find a specific tone of voice that people can connect with. What is your brand about? Do you want to convey a sophisticated tone? Or a more fun tone? Get clear on what you want your text to convey about your brand, and you can have some control over their perception of your company.
What is your email marketing’s main goal? To make sales, right? But to generate the highest possible revenue, you need to think of your reputation. Use the guidelines from this article to ensure that your newsletters reach the highest possible audience and they’re all interested in hearing from you. Only engaged customers will buy from you. And the best part is that these clients will start doing a lot of marketing for you. Make an effort to build a great reputation among your subscribers, and soon, they’ll start talking about your brand to their friends and family. What could be better?
Have you got any more email marketing tips to share? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to learn!