Email & SMS Marketing

Black backgrounds, countdowns and GIFs… you’ve tried everything for your Black Friday campaigns and, let’s face it, this year you have to come...

If you are using the marketing potential of email, you probably noticed that emails are never equally effective. One message...

From developing integrations to providing strategic support, from creating creative concepts to optimizing results.
September, being a bit like January, brings a lot of new resolutions and objectives for the right planning and strategy restart after summer v...
Have you ever heard of social proof? It’s the ...
It’s hugely satisfying when a contact says “yes” after a long courtship, or when you succeed in surprising him or her. Gaining a new contact c...
An email newsletter is an awesome way to kick-start your holiday campaign. But don’t rush into sending out the emails yet. The thing is that t...
To help every marketer in this difficult battle against time, we’ve selected the top 5 digital marketing newsletters that can’t be missed.
...Email is the main source of communication at work and corporate emails are still an important part of ...
In the previous issue on the newslette...
In online promotion it’s essential to know how to attract attention and consequently persuade people to take action and responding to you. Thi...
We often dwell on the more sophisticated and specific aspects of a campaign and end up neglecting the basics. However, the latter make up the...