Email & SMS Marketing

Black backgrounds, countdowns and GIFs… you’ve tried everything for your Black Friday campaigns and, let’s face it, this year you have to come...

If you are using the marketing potential of email, you probably noticed that emails are never equally effective. One message...

From developing integrations to providing strategic support, from creating creative concepts to optimizing results.
What is the base of any email marketing strategy? ...
One is to know and heed the customers’ needs. Another is keeping existing customers to stay associated with...
The concept of mailing lists has accompanied Email Marketing since its inception. But too many companies still consider maili...
Is creating emails that are effective and perfectly optimized for mobiles a prerogative of web designers and...
Last update: January 2023
...With many employees working with emails, there’s great emphasis on etiquette, whether that’s reading or answering them. But,...
Seth Godin coined the term Permission Marketing almost a decade ago, which means the set of strategies that have the goal of...
If you are using the marketing potential of email, you probably noticed that emails are never equally effective. One message...
Every company has revolving doors: thenumber of customers acquired alwayscorresponds (naturally) to the number of cus...