Email & SMS Marketing

Black backgrounds, countdowns and GIFs… you’ve tried everything for your Black Friday campaigns and, let’s face it, this year you have to come...

If you are using the marketing potential of email, you probably noticed that emails are never equally effective. One message...

From developing integrations to providing strategic support, from creating creative concepts to optimizing results.
It is the metric that spans across all the digital marketing channels, the one on which all other metrics converge, the one t...
Even marketers go on vacation. What is the best way to avoid compulsively checking the MailUp platform while sunbathing on the beach? ...
Creation, sending, and reporting. These are the functional macro-areas par excellence of an Email Marketing platform. However...
While searching Google for instructions on creating a mailing list, almost all results focus on operations provided by Gmail...
Marketing today is data-driven. This means that operations are driven by data, both in the strategy generation...
For convenience, we still call them transactional emails, underlining their logistic, bureaucratic...
Marketing Automation is still scary for marketers. Its rate of adoption was measured last year by the MailUp Statisti...
Today email marketing is developing along two lines: on the one hand it is leaning towards the automation of processes, and o...
In today’s world, simply reaching a recipient’s inbox is not enough. Relevance has become the main factor of a campaign’s suc...